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Why Do I Keep Going Back to Married Man

The affair is over. He's a married man, and you know you need to move on. The problem is you don't know how. You still love him and you can't stop thinking about him. You know you should walk away because he's cheating on his wife. He's a married man and you have to let go…but your heart wants him back.

"I have to keep reminding myself of how many lies I have told over the years," says Anonymous on How to Break Up With a Married Man. "I have been lying to everyone who is most important to me for 5 years. I've been sneaking around with this married man, ignoring my own husband who loves me more than anyone in this world. I have taken my husband for granted and I am finally realizing that. I find myself wanting to talk to my husband more and be excited about becoming parents (I'm five months pregnant). I decided to end my affair with the married man and still feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I know I'll have some good moments and bad moments, but hopefully as time passes I'll have more good. I really do want to end this affair and because it makes me sick that I was involved with a married man for so long. I'm just looking for strength to let go and get through the next few hours, days, and weeks until I stop thinking about him."

You're not alone if you're searching for suggestions on how to let go of a married man you still love. I've written several articles about infidelity, and the most popular ones are about letting go after an affair. After you read my tips on letting go of a married man, scroll through the comments section. You'll see you're not alone. You'll see how destructive and unhealthy it is to stay stuck in the affair…and you may even find strength and courage to let go of a married man who will never love you the way you want to be loved.

In this article you'll find a list of reasons affairs are destructive and toxic, plus several tips on how to get over a married man and heal your heart. It's important to focus on why you have to let him go and what you have to look forward to. Even more important is to renew your relationship with God, rebuild your spiritual self-identity, and come back to your healthy, whole self.

Reasons to Stop Cheating With a Married Man

You already have your own reasons to stop dating a married man, but this list may help you see how toxic an affair is. Accepting a breakup you didn't want is easier when you focus on why the relationship ended.

Affairs with married men are never headed anywhere good.

  • Adultery is destructive, immoral, and painful
  • A married man won't commit to a future with you
  • You can't trust a married man who cheats on his wife
  • You can't talk about dating married men with your friends and family, so you won't get much support
  • A married man doesn't respect the woman he's cheating with
  • You'll waste your life waiting for him to make a decision – and the chances he'll decide to commit to you are slim
  • A married man is living with guilt and shame, which will eventually affect your relationship
  • Good, kind, loving men don't cheat on their wives
  • Cheating damages families and destroys lives

What is your reason for searching for advice about how to let go of a married man? Make it as concrete and real as possible. This will help you stay away from him and focus on your future.

Remember that married men who cheat are liars. You see the good part of this married man, but he would cheat on you, too. Married men don't truly respect or love the women they're cheating with (their affair partners). No matter what they say, married men don't respect women who let themselves be used.

It may be easier to let go if you learn how the married man's wife feels. Read When Your Husband Still Works With His Ex Affair Partner .

5 Ways to Stop Being Obsessed With a Married Man

I've written several articles with practical tips on breaking up and healing after broken hearts. In this article, I want to focus on the power of love to help you move forward in your life. This may seem ironic because you think you're losing love…but actually, the end of this affair can actually be the start of a whole new life of freedom, peace, and joy for you!

1. Focus on finding freedom to break the chains of the affair

Instead of allowing your heart and emotions to dictate your choices, choose to let go of a man who is married and end the affair. Yes, it'll hurt. Yes, you'll think about him all the time. But you can be free from the chains holding you to a man who isn't good for you.

I know it's easier said than done. Your head knows the right thing to do, but your heart won't let you move forward. It's especially difficult to let go of a married man when you don't feel good enough to be loved by someone else. It's also hard to let go when you don't believe you could love another man the same way.

The chains holding you in this relationship are strong. You have to find something stronger, bigger, and more powerful than yourself. You can't stop loving this married man by willpower or choice alone. You're too weak and the temptation is too strong. The only way to let go from a relationship you know is unhealthy and destructive is to find spiritual strength. God created you, loves you, and wants you to be your happiest, healthiest self. He wants you to be grounded and centered in His will for your life…and God's love doesn't leave room for an affair with a married man.

2. Look at the obstacles in your way

What is holding you back from letting go of a married man who isn't good for you? Maybe you invested time, emotional energy, or even money in the affair. Maybe you hope he'll leave his wife and marry you. Maybe breaking up with a married man means you'll be alone…and you're scared or unhappy without a relationship.

Maybe you love him.

Becoming clear on your reasons for having the affair – and breaking it off – will help you find freedom. Why are you searching for tips on how to let go of a married man? Search your heart and soul to learn the truth about why you slept with another woman's husband. What is holding you back from a truly healthy love relationship?

3. Decide that the affair is over

Here's my favorite comment from a reader in response to Why Your Husband Cheated: A Marriage Style That "Allows" Affairs:

"You have to make up your mind to break up and let go of the married man…It's hard for me to believe that there are other men who are willing to love me even more but there are. If you do not let go of what's bad for you, then you're not making yourself available for a good man. I'd rather be in a relationship with someone I like than in a relationship with a married man I love who can't make me his priority. THIS ISN'T HAPPINESS. We deserve more. And it starts within ourselves. His wife doesn't deserve this, either.

4. Start recreating your life

Part of learning how to let go of a married man is to rebuild and recreate your life. Find ways to incorporate new perspectives, new attitudes, new priorities, and new values into your actions and thoughts. For example, one of your new attitudes might be acceptance – because you know that resisting this breakup change will prevent you from learning how to live happily without him.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What is one small change I can make that will help me grieve and heal?
  • Who or what is holding me back from letting go of this married man?
  • How long do I think it'll take to let go and be free?
  • What have I sacrificed in order to have this affair?
  • What will I gain by letting go of a married man?

Write down your answers to each question; writing will help you start thinking about your future. Don't overanalyze or overthink your answers. Try not to focus on the affair or what it feels like to let go of a married man. Be willing not to have all the answers, or know how you will live without him. Asking and answering these questions will get good, positive energy moving in your heart and spirit. The

5. Let go of the married man so you can be FREE

Breaking up and letting go takes time, but it will happen. You will get through this — and you won't always feel heartbroken and sad!

In How to Let Go of Someone You Love I share stories about grieving and healing from a breakup or loss from me and a few "She Blossoms" readers. Our experiences with love and loss will comfort and encourage you.

Letting Go of a Relationship You Want to Keep

I share 25 Blossom Tips, each paired with a practical "how to." Every tip highlights a different part of who you are—spirit, heart, soul, body, and brain. This holistic approach will help you move forward in different ways, according to your personality, mood, energy level and lifestyle.

Want to share your story? Comments welcome below. You may find the other readers' comments helpful – and you may even have some insight to offer.


Why Do I Keep Going Back to Married Man
