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Can You Drink on Paleo Diet

paleo alcohol guide drinks wine

Have you ever wondered where and how alcohol fits in a healthy diet? Well, look no further – this is the ultimate paleo guide to alcohol.

Just think – it's Friday night, and it's been a long workday. You're looking to get home as quickly as possible to meet up with some friends, and relax a little. Everybody's looking forward to grabbing a drink … or two.

What do you do?

You've just started this paleo thing, and are going pretty strong, seeing great results, and feeling great. But you also feel like you've been a bit of a hermit, avoiding restaurants and nights out with your pals.

You're feeling as if you need to take it easy, head out and have a good time, and enjoy the company of some good friends and a few drinks, but you don't want to ruin the new paleo version of yourself. You have some questions:

• What are the best paleo choices for alcohol?
• How can you minimize the toxic affects of alcohol?
• What is the best way to keep the fat off while enjoying a couple drinks?
• Is alcohol even paleo?

Those cave people must have got down somehow, right? They must have let their hair down every once in a while, right?

Is Alcohol Paleo?

is alcohol paleo

Do you find yourself asking, "is it paleo?" often? Check out our app: – the ultimate "Is It Paleo?" app

Having a few drinks here and there has become much more of a social experience and the chance to bond with friends and family members than just an excuse to down a few, and walk around crooked for a few hours.

It's become a way for us to relax, catch up on personal relationships, and enjoy the company of others. I for one enjoy a drink with my buddies every now and again, and have often wondered how this fits into my paleo lifestyle.

So, is alcohol paleo?

Long story short? Not really.

One of the main tenets of the paleo diet is removing processed foods and toxins from your diet. Alcohol happens to be both a processed food and a toxin.

Now, when I say 'alcohol', I am talking about the three main types of alcohol: beer, wine, and spirits.


Beer is mostly made from wheat, barley, and hops. That's a  dead give away that this type of alcohol probably isn't paleo-friendly.


Wine is often considered to be the closet thing we've got to paleo-friendly alcohol. There are various organic options – red wine in particular. Because of antioxidants such as resveratrol, which can help prevent damage to blood vessels, lower "bad" cholesterol, and prevent blood clots, when consumed in moderation, red wine is often considered to be a healthy alcoholic option in the paleo community.

On the other hand, white wine removes the skin from grapes and tannins, which gives it its lighter color but which also removes the resveratrol.

Both beer and wine go through the process of fermenting sugar and starches most often found in fruits, various plants, coconuts, sometimes rice, and, in the case of beer, wheat and barley.

[color-box color="blue"]If you're a wine lover but want to keep it Paleo-friendly, you should check out Dry Farm Wines. We had the chance to try this wine club (the first health-focused, Paleo-friendly wine club in the world) – read our whole review here. And if you want to try it out, use this link to sign up and claim a whole bottle of wine for a penny! [/color-box]


Spirits also go through the process of the fermentation of grains, but they also undergo a second process known as distillation. The gluten found in alcohol beverages is a major concern for those that follow the paleo diet, but distillation removes most of this gluten. That said, it doesn't remove all of this gluten, as shown by the study below.

The process of distillation is also responsible for the higher alcohol content of spirits. As we all know, alcohol unleashes a psychological response in our bodies which lowers our inhibitions. Having lowered inhibitions makes it much easier for us to make poor food choices. So, although you might be able to justify what you're drinking as paleo-friendly, those tortilla chips and salsa? Not so much.

Hard Cider:

Hard cider is a fermented (awesome!) alcoholic beverage typically made from apples or pears. Has been increasing in popularity over the last few years due to increased awareness of the problems gluten can cause. As the promotion of gluten-free products and the popularity of the Paleo Diet grows cider as become a popular alternative to beers.

Most ciders on the market are naturally gluten free but you'll want to double-check the label. Also look for preservatives like potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate, both of which have been shown negatively effect immunity. These will easy to see because unlike beer Cider is governed by the FDA which requires it to list ingredients

So is cider Paleo? Yup, just be on the lookout for added sugars. When choosing a hard cider look for dry cider as these usually have lower sugar counts. Also remember that it might be Paleo but it still contains calories, so if fat loss is a goal keep it to a drink, ok? If you want to keep an eye on the sugars, check out these great options below:

Low Sugar Ciders:

  • Crispin Cider
  • Strongbow
  • ACE Cider
  • Colorado Cider

Higher Sugar Ciders:

  • Angry Orchards
  • Wyders
  • Woodchuck

Cider is a great paleo-friendly alcohol option (just watch the sugar). You can see our full post dedicated to paleo cider here.

To drink or not to drink? That is the question.

wine glasses cheers

Studies have demonstrated the health benefits of red wine when it is consumed in moderation.

Aside from that, and the positive social interactions that can come with having a drink (although you could just have water instead), it's pretty tough for me to justify how consuming any alcoholic drink can be good for anyone.

Alcohol downfalls

• Alcohol is toxic to the liver.
• It's an addictive drug.
• Too much alcohol in your system makes detoxification a high priority. This causes your liver to prioritize detoxification over the uptake of nutrients.
• It is hard to burn fat while detoxifying from alcohol consumption.
• The liver cannot metabolize alcohol into sugar, which can cause a dip in blood sugar and a rise in blood fats.
• As some toxins are not processed, they are stored as fat.
• Alcohol is dehydrating, which means that it can affect electrolyte balance.

The truth is that the decision to have a drink or not is entirely up to you. But, before deciding whether or not to have one, think about why you are having one.

Are you having a drink or two because you had a rough day at the office, your relationship just ended, you're pissed at a buddy, your kids are giving you a headache, or because everyone else is drinking?

These reasons, to me, are just not good enough to justify having an adult beverage.

But, if it's a special anniversary, or you're celebrating your daughter's graduation from college, your best friend's birthday, or some other very special event, that drink might be more justified.

However, at the end of the day, you're a grown up, and the choice is yours.

What if you know you're having a drink?

If you plan on heading out, and grabbing a drink, there are a few things you can do to help reduce the chances of a hangover, to inhibit body fat accumulation, and to keep your blood sugar stable.

Keep blood sugar stable by using more paleo-friendly spirits like tequila with soda water, ice, and lemon or lime. Avoid high sugar juices, tonic waters, and mixers.

Try this UPG NorCal Margarita recipe.

Or level it up and try a NorCal LMNT margarita using Drink LMNT's Citrus Salt electrolytes. All you need are these paleo-friendly electrolytes in the Citrus Salt flavor, your favorite tequila, seltzer water, and ice.

To minimize your chances of developing a hangover, use less toxic alcohols like vodka (made from potato), gin, and tequila, while avoiding beer, wine, and colored spirits like rum.

Take 500 mg of vitamin C and 600 mg of Nac-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) to help lower liver aldehyde, a toxin that your liver creates from alcohol.

Use vitamin B1 or alpha lipoic acid before each drink, and add 4 capsules of activated charcoal after you drink, because these will bind with the byproducts of the alcohol, reducing their effects on your body.

Thanks to Dave Asprey for these tips.

To minimize any chances of extra fat accumulation, spend the day eating only lean proteins and veggies.

As mentioned earlier, your body will be spending an awful lot of time trying to detoxify and metabolize the alcohol in your system, and may not have the time or the energy to process the calories from fats and carbohydrates.

Those carbs and fats that are not metabolized get stored in the form of fat. Protein is safe to eat in this case because, for the most part, your body does not store it in the same way.

Paleo Non-Alcoholic Choices

sparkling water with raspberry and mint

Maybe you want to go out with your friends, but you have committed to staying alcohol-free. Great! There are a couple tips you can follow to help you feel like you're not a total outsider.

Have A Drink In Hand

First, I think it always helps to have something in your hand. Opt for a sparkling water, kombucha, or club soda. Ask the bartender to make it look like a cocktail too – in the same glass, add a lime, etc.

This not only helps ward off people offering to get you a drink but it also helps you blend into the crowd and keep your body language comfortable (rather than the awkward "I don't know what to do with my hands" thing…)

Be confident!

People will probably ask you why you're not drinking; You don't have to get on your soapbox and give a lecture…just be honest and confident.

A few people may give you a hard time, but more often than not, they're respect your decision and that's it!


The decision as to whether or not to have an alcoholic drink is entirely up to you. But really ask yourself what the reasons behind that drink are.

"Paleo" Alcohol

If you're going to drink, stick with 100% agave tequila, 100% organic red and white wine from local sources, and Ciroc vodka, which is made from grapes and not grains.

Avoid These

Avoid colored spirits as they usually contain caramel coloring and fermented grains.

Steer clear of beers – even the gluten-free sorghum versions. Instead, opt for ciders like Angry Orchards.

Health and wellness shouldn't take over your life; they should compliment it. If having a drink here and there is something you find beneficial,  that's your call. But if you are going to have a drink, try to stick to more paleo-friendly options, and, of course, stay safe.

[color-box color="blue"]Again – if you're a wine lover but want to keep it Paleo-friendly, you should check out Dry Farm Wines. We had the chance to try this wine club (the first health-focused, Paleo-friendly wine club in the world) – read our whole review here. And if you want to try it out, use this link to sign up and claim a whole bottle of wine for a penny! [/color-box]

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Can You Drink on Paleo Diet
